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Waze: How to record and use your own voice for navigation

Jun 15, 2023

Make it sound like you!

Waze is one of the most popular navigation apps, thanks to its powerful features and community of users. It's compatible with Android Auto and CarPlay. Plus, it works on virtually any smartphone, including budget Android devices and iOS, making it widely available to Apple and Google users.

One of Waze's fun functions is its ability to record your voice so that you hear directions in your voice when driving or customize the voice directions with the one of your choice. The steps you'll follow are straightforward and can be done from the Waze app.

You first need to install the Waze app on your phone to change voice directions and replace them with your own. If you don't have it, download it from the App Store or Play Store. Then, make sure you're sitting in a quiet environment, as you'll need to record your voice using your smartphone's microphone.

Congratulations, you've created a custom voice pack to use for driving directions! Before you close the screen, tap the circle next to the newly created voice pack's name to set it as the default voice to use for driving directions.

If you created a fun voice pack or want your friends and family to listen to your voice while they drive, you can share your custom voice pack with other Waze users so that they can use it for driving directions. To make it even more fun and customized, add the person's name to the recording in the new voice recording and adapt it to each Waze user.

With this feature, you can easily create a custom voice pack and share it with any Waze user so that they can use it for voice directions when driving. However, keep in mind that although it's fun to create a new voice pack with your voice, some of the voice directions used in the default voices are more functional, as they can artificially pronounce street names, just like in Google Maps or other apps like Google Assistant or Siri. If you don't mind that, you'll have plenty of fun customizing your default voice pack for Waze navigation.

Hagop is a tech-savvy guy, who's also into traveling, fitness, biking, food, and planes. He's heptalingual and has lived in 5 different countries, but has decided to settle in Paris for the time being.

Waze appmenu iconSettingsVoice& soundWaze voiceAdd voiceOKWhile using the appmicrophone button stop buttonplay buttonSavemicrophone iconVoice recorder screen DoneAddWaze appmenu iconSettingsVoice& soundWaze voiceVoice recordershare icon Share